Terms and Conditions of the I, CULTURE Orchestra Facebook Fan Page Competition

§ 1. General Provisions

The organizer of the competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) and the sponsor of the competition prizes is the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, with its registered seat in Warsaw, ul. Mokotowska 25, a state-run cultural institution incorporated in the Register of Cultural Institutions kept by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage under the number RIK 70/2006 (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer). The Competition is organized on 12-14 July 2019, and involves sending an answer to the question published in the comment under the post. These terms and conditions specify the basis of the Competition and the rights and obligations of its participants.

§ 2. Participation in the Competition

Participation in the Competition is free of charge. The Competition is open to natural persons of age, with full legal capacity, who meet the conditions specified in these terms and conditions. Persons under age may participate in the Competition solely upon consent of their parents or legal guardians. Employees of the organizer, as well their spouses, children, parents, and siblings, cannot participate in the Competition. Enrollment in the Competition is equal to the acceptance of its entire terms and conditions. Participants are bound by the regulations specified in these terms and conditions; participants also represent that they meet all conditions required to participate in the Competition. Participation in the Competition, as well as the rights and obligations it entails, including the right to claim the prize, cannot be transferred to third parties.

§ 3. Course of the Competition and Terms and Conditions for Participation in the Competition

The Competition question will be published on the Facebook Fan Page of the I, CULTURE Orchestra (www.facebook.com). Participants will then be able to answer the question in the comments below the post.

Answering the question via a Facebook comment is deemed equal to the enrollment in the Competition. Participants enrolling in the Competition explicitly agree to have their personal data processed by the Organizer for the purposes of the Competition.

Moreover, winners of the Competition will reveal their personal data to the Organizer, including their name, surname, and their exact home address, in order to allow the Organizer to send them the Competition prize.

§ 4. Selection of Winners

Competition laureates (2 persons) will be selected based on the amout of “likes” gained by their answer to the the Competition question via a Facebook comment under the Competition post.

§ 5. Competition Prizes

Each of the 2 laureates will receive a vinyl of the I, CULTURE Orchestra titled “Niepodległa”. The prizes will be sent to the laureates by mail or courier mail within 10 (ten) days from the date of announcement of competition results, to the addresses indicated by the laureates. The laureates will not acquire the right to the prize if they fail to meet any of the conditions specified in § 2, 3 and 4 of these terms and conditions, including if they fail to provide the personal data enabling the Organizer to execute the right to the prize in the manner and within the deadline specified in §3. In such cases, the prize will remain at the Organizer’s disposal. The Organizer is not responsible for any irregularities related to possible delay or failures to deliver the notification about the prize that result from erroneous address or other personal data provided by the awarded participant of the Competition, and the delivery of the winning notification to such an erroneous address. The Organizer is not responsible for any inconsistencies with the actual state of affairs with regard to the awarded participant’s contact details, home address, and other data used in the identification of the winning participant (as well as any amendments to the aforementioned data, of which the Organizer has not been notified). In order to verify the identity of the winner, the winner must present their valid ID with picture when collecting the prize.

§ 6. Complaint proceedings

Complaints with regard to the Competition should be made in writing and submitted along with substantiation to the Organizer’s address: Adam Mickiewicz Institute, ul. Mokotowska 25, 00-560 Warsaw, Poland, with a subject line "I, CULTURE Orchestra Competitoin" or to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Complaints with regard to the conduct of the Competition should be submitted within 14 days from the closing date of the Competition. Complaints concerning the quality of the awarded prizes should be submitted within 30 days from the date of collection of the prize, to the address indicated in point 1 above. Complaints will be investigated by the Organizer within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt. Replies to complaints will be sent to the address indicated in the complaint document, or to the e-mail address from which the complaint was filed.

§ 7. Protection of Personal Data

Pursuant to article 13 of the European Parliament and the EU Council Regulation 2016/679 dated 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free transfer of such data, as well as the repeal of 95/46/WE (EU Journal L 119/1 dated 4 May 2016), hereinafter referred to as the “GDPR”), IAM hereby represents that:

1) your personal data is administered by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute (IAM) with its registered seat in Warsaw (00-560), ul. Mokotowska 25,

2) you may contact IAM’s Personal Data Protection Inspector by sending an email to: [email protected],

3) your personal data will be transferred for the purposes of:

  1. Awarding and settling the Competition prize and publishing the names and surnames of the Competition laureates – pursuant to article 6, section 1, letter b of the GDPR,
  2. Participating in the Competition – pursuant to article 6, section 1, letter a of the GDPR (your consent),

4) Your personal data will be stored for the duration of the Competition and its settlement, and throughout the obligatory period of data storage at IAM, as specified in separate regulations,

5) your personal data will be transferred to the subject collaborating with IAM on the implementation of the Competition, as well as the entities providing the service of systems and IT software for IAM, and entities authorized to obtain your personal data pursuant to Polish law (including public administration authorities),

6) you have the right to access to you personal data and amend, delete, and restrict the scope of its processing, as well as the right to transfer your personal data, the right to refuse to have your personal data processed, in the events specified in the GDPR,

7) if the processing of your personal data takes place upon your consent (see point 3 letter b above) you are entitled to revoke your consent at any time. Your revocation will not interfere with our right to process your data in the period before the revocation of your consent,

8) you have the right to file a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office if you think that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the GDPR.

§ 8. Final Provisions

To all matters not regulated in these terms and conditions, provisions of the Polish civil code apply.